Privacy Policy


Protection of personal information:
We ensure adequate protection and management of personally identifiable information. We do track and analyse data for trends and statistics, but the individual user remains anonymous. We respect your privacy. All the information collected will be kept strictly confidential and it will not be disclosed without your express consent, except when the prior written agreement of the user is obtained or we are required to provide information pertaining to you in order to ensure compliances with any form of legal process or with any law.

Information collected about users through their use is the property of Lightbulb Edtech (Pty) Ltd.

We may use personal information collected to compile profiles for statistical purposes and trade in these profiles. No information contained in the profiles or statistics will be able to be linked to any specific user.

Storing of personal information:

We store information you supply in fully secured databases with restricted access. This information may be updated through our subscriber functions.

Disclosure of information:

We will only ever disclose aggregate information about our user base. Aggregate information will never disclose who you are, but rather identifies the user population in general terms. In order to provide the best possible and most relevant service, we may use standard technology to collect information about the use of this app. This technology is not able to identify individual users but simply allows us to collect statistics.

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